Monday, November 24, 2008

And speaking of Halloween...

The costume contest at the club is for children only, but Mike got an honorable mention in the club newsletter, LOL.

Guess who he is?

This is even more funny because:

1. we are Alabama fans, ROLL TIDE!

2. Tommy is a fellow member at the club so he gets this newsletter at his house just like us.

We assumed he was too busy to read the club newsletter during football season, but not to worry...someone showed it to him. And believe me, even though we are going to beat AU on NOV 29th, he is still a very polite nice guy, he would never be mad. However he did tell the person that showed it to him that he would take it up with Hilyer next time he saw him. He really has a good sense of humor since, especially since this is the second time we have had a few laughs on him. At least we cheer for AU when they are not playing UA!!!

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